Thursday, 25 March 2021


As the end of the current Annual Catalogue fast approaches, there are certain products which will not make their way in to the next year which, for Stampin' Up! begins on 4th May. So this means we sadly need to say goodbye to some of our favourites or some that have been on our wishlists but haven't yet purchased. 

From 24th March, those items that are retiring will be available to buy for as long as stocks last. So for example you may want to stock up on your favourite 2019-21 in colour inks and accessories or there is a stampset that you have been thinking of buying then now is the opportunity to buy it before it is no longer available. 

You may notice that the list includes some bundles. This does not mean the items in the bundle are retiring as some (not all) of them do appear in the new catalogue as individual just means it would cost 10% more should you wait until after 4th May to buy the ones that are returning. Should you want to know more information regarding this, then I would be happy to help

The above link takes you straight to the retired item pages

The good news is that although we are losing some of our favourite items and colours from 2020-21 AC, there are loads of exciting new products just waiting to replace them from May 4th. If you wish a copy of the new Annual Catalogue then please contact me and I'll send one when they become available. My contact details are available on my online shop.

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